With CBD products now entering even your local gas station, it’s worth asking if it’s possible to overdose on CBD. The amount of CBD products currently available at your common smoke shop or corner store lack consistency. You might end up with something that’s stronger or weaker than the label suggests.
With CBD being heralded as the cure-all medicine since the passing of the Farm Bill, it’s worth asking: can you overdose on CBD?
Well, no.
Right out of the gate, let’s clear that up. There is no evidence out there that cannabidiol, the non-psychoactive cannabinoid, can cause an overdose.
If you’re looking for CBD gummies, topicals, tinctures, and pre-rolls that you can trust, visit our shop. Respect My Region’s small-batch full-spectrum hemp CBD products are potent, tested, and actually taste good.
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Can CBD Be Harmful In Large Doses?
It’s worth bringing up a 2017 report from the World Health Organization. The publication serves as an overall review of CBD, from its chemical makeup to its potential therapeutic uses. Most importantly, they discuss the dangers of overuse.
The WHO publication cites data from an outside study where just under 200 individuals suffering from a rare epileptic disorder were administered CBD on a daily basis. At times, they were given as much as 200mg per kilogram of body weight. That’s just under 100mg per pound.
That means that a 160-pound individual would, at certain points of the study, be consuming around 15,000mg of CBD every day. Your average CBD gummy will have, perhaps, 10-15mg of CBD in every dose. If you were to eat 15,000mg of CBD in gummy form, your primary fear wouldn’t be an overdose, it would be an upset stomach and diarrhea.
The study found that many of the patients consuming the CBD were experiencing very encouraging decreases in the amount of seizures they were having. However, around half of the participants also reported not-so-encouraging affects such as vomiting, convulsions, diarrhea, and excessive sleepiness. Other patients had liver enzyme levels that read up three times what they should be, which can be a sign of impending or ongoing liver failure.
The study was quick to note, though, that there may have been other causes for these side affects, such as a bad reaction between the CBD and the existing seizure medication the patients were taking. It stated that further research will be necessary to determine if CBD was the sole cause of these side affects.

What’s The Verdict?
All in all, it really does come down to being reasonable. Even if CBD overdose isn’t a reality, it could very well be true that excess consumption could leave you with some troubling symptoms. To avoid the likelihood of this happening, some common-sense measures can be taken. You should always educate yourself on the products you’re consuming, CBD-based or otherwise.
If you are consuming CBD products in the hopes of alleviating a physical malady of some kind, start slow. Take the recommended dose, give it time, and go from there. If you give CBD the respect that it deserves, it is overwhelmingly likely that it will give you the same. Shop Respect My Region’s CBD products for the highest quality and lab-tested CBD you can find when you need them.
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*This article was originally published on Respect My Region and has been syndicated here with full permissions.